mardi 19 novembre 2013

2014 Yearly Horoscopes

What do the stars have in store for you? Get your complete astrological predictions for 2014 from our resident Astrology expert Kelli Fox.


Inventive Uranus keeps moving through your Image Sector. You won’t look or behave like anyone else this year. At times, this will attract favorable attention. At other times, it will get you into trouble. Either way, it’s important to establish yourself as an independent person. Continue to speak your mind and dress the way you want. Saturn, the planet of restriction, continues to tour your Shared Resources Sector. Your nearest and dearest may be threatened by your rebellious attitude, but it can’t be helped. Ultimately, they will respect your revolutionary ways. Stick to your guns.


You continue to change and evolve throughout 2014, especially in the area of your appearance. How you present yourself to the world is crucial to your success. Develop a look that resonates with your taste and sensibility. Don’t imitate a magazine ideal if you look better with a little meat on your bones. If you’re unhappy with your name, consider changing it. Are you tired of dressing conservatively? Add items to your wardrobe that enhance your best features. Look within for the answers you seek, rather than depending on the outside world for information.


With dreamy Neptune continuing to travel through your Career Sector, you have an opportunity to shine in a creative industry. The arts, fashion, film, advertising…the choice is yours. Alternately, you might decide to take a job at a charitable organization, since Neptune symbolizes compassion. It looks as though you might be able to land a position with a good salary, thanks to generous Jupiter’s transit through your Moneymaking Sector between January 1st and July 16th. If you already have a job you enjoy, be sure to lobby for a raise during the first half of the year.


Your self-confidence and optimism will attract good fortune through July 15th, when jovial Jupiter tours your Image Sector. It will be easy to wrap people around your little finger at this time. Use this opportunity to ask for favors, show off your talent, and make friends with very important people. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. Jupiter moves into your Moneymaking Sector on July 16th, attracting all sorts of lucrative financial opportunities. Ventures related to education, entertainment, and gambling are especially favored, but you can find success in virtually any area.


Solitary pursuits can provide tremendous pleasure between January 1st and July 15th, thanks to upbeat Jupiter’s tour of your Spirituality Sector. Spend as much time as possible reading, writing and communing with nature. Material matters probably won’t seem very important during this phase. On July 16th, Jupiter enters your Image Sector, which may boost your energy and enthusiasm. Your positive energy will open new doors in virtually every realm. This would also be a great period to launch a dramatic makeover. A new hairstyle, fashionable wardrobe or cosmetic procedure could greatly enhance your natural star power. Go ahead and splurge on your appearance.


On April 28th, a Solar Eclipse falls in your Adventure Sector, suggesting you may be in for an overseas trip. Visiting a city by the sea is highly favored. Any endeavor aimed at expanding your horizons is favored at this time. Friends will be very supportive of your desire to explore greener pastures, since generous Jupiter will be touring your Social Sector at this time, all the way up until July 16th. During this phase, you’ll receive plenty of invitations. Be sure to attend as many parties, get-togethers and professional conferences as possible during the first seven months of the year, because who you know may be a determining factor to your success.


2014 may prove to be an eventful year for you. From January 1st through July 25th, action-oriented Mars will be moving through your Image Sector. You’ll be more assertive throughout this period, refusing to defer to others. Demanding what you want will create conflict at times, but it will also make you happier and more successful. Expansive Jupiter will be touring your Career Sector between January 1st and July 15th, making this an ideal time to go after a high-powered position or dream job. Since creative Neptune will be touring your Work Sector all year, it looks as though the arts and entertainment field will yield the most fruit as far as career choices.


2014 may be a year of profound and exciting transformations for you. Expansive Jupiter moves into your Career Sector on July 16th, fueling your ambition. Take this opportunity to go after a high-profile job that involves an element of glamour. Opportunities related to luxury goods, the performing arts, and childcare are all favored. A Solar Eclipse on October 23rd will electrify your Image Sector. This is a wonderful opportunity to get a head-to-toe makeover, revamp your wardrobe or undergo a cosmetic procedure. Nobody could ever accuse you of being shallow, but looking your best will lift your spirits and lighten your mood. Use the powerful energy of this eclipse to enact a magical metamorphosis.


Two heads are better than one during the first seven months of 2014. That’s because Jupiter, your ruling planet, will be touring your Intimacy Sector. A close relationship could bring tremendous happiness. If you’re single, you could benefit from a grant, loan or scholarship, since lending institutions could be particularly generous at this time. There’s even a chance you’ll receive an inheritance or some other sort of financial windfall. On July 16th, Jupiter will move in to your Adventure Sector, prompting you to do something expansive. Publishing a book, travelling abroad and getting an advanced degree are among the possibilities.


2014 may be a year of dramatic highs and lows. On April 14th, a Lunar Eclipse will fall in your Career Sector, possibly bringing an end to a job or work assignment. Try not to panic. This may be the Universe’s way of bringing some much-needed balance to your life. A Solar Eclipse on April 28th may put you on the path to romance. If you’re single, you could meet someone special. Are you already in a relationship? Your partner could surprise you with a fabulous vacation. Building a strong partnership with someone special will be very important, thanks to expansive Jupiter’s tour of your Relationship Sector between January 1st and July 15th. Work can stay on the back burner during this romantic time.


2014 continues to be a year of risk-taking. That’s because disruptive Uranus, your ruling planet, is moving through your Communication Sector. Setting yourself apart from the crowd may be imperative. If that means speaking up against the consensus, so be it. Public approval won’t mean much to you. You’re more interested in marching to the beat of your own drummer. This desire for comfort could pay off on April 28th, when a Solar Eclipse energizes your Home and Family Sector. A family member may offer you a new beginning or alternatively, finding a new place to live over the coming months will be a priority.


You’ll continue to experience great sensitivity throughout 2014, thanks to Neptune, your ruling planet, traveling through your Image House. Your psychic abilities may be further enhanced and your imaginative powers will soar to an all-time high. This is a wonderful opportunity to dance, write, paint, design and perform. Attaining star power in a creative field is very possible. You’ll get additional support for artistic endeavors from expansive Jupiter, which moves through your Creative Sector from January 1st through July 15th. This is one of the best years in a while to attain your artistic goals.

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